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Hello. My name is Michelle and this is my Soap Pixie Story

As a kid growing up I was always an eclectic spirit. I liked to explore and experiment with anything I could get my hands on. Curious by nature I was first drawn to making my own natural body products just because I didn't believe it could be done. Eventually my success at making lotions and natural perfumes lead me to making cold processed soap. In 2002 I ordered a cold processed soap making kit and made my very first batch. Everyone I knew wanted a bar of soap after that so I continued to make more. I learned quickly how much people really love handmade soap so I eventually opened my first online soap shop in 2006. 

Between 2007-2010 I studied herbalism and aromatherapy. After I took a basic aromatherapy certification course from Jodie Baglien, RA - I enrolled in the aromatherapy diploma course at the

American College of Healthcare Sciences. I then studied herbalism under Matthew Alfs, the founder of the Midwest School of Herbal Studies. I also took Jeanne Rose's distant herbal course in addition to courses taken with other local herbalists around Minnesota. 

While I enjoy working with herbs and essentials when making soaps and other products I also love using micas and fragrance oils because there's no limit to the designs and scents I can create in a batch of soap and I discovered my customers really enjoy that. So on my website you'll find a mix of all natural soaps with essential oils and herbs from my garden and you'll also find brightly colored soaps artistically crafted to match fragrance oils. Plus on occasion I'll make more than just soap such as knitted washcloths, beeswax candles, salves, etc... so thanks for stopping by and having a look around. I hope you will love my products as much as I enjoy making them. 
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