For those who don't know, I don't only LOVE making soap I also LOVE making cards. 3 months ago I joined the Divine Secret Sister Group over at SPLITCOAST STAMPERS. It was my first round. I play big sis to someone and someone else plays big sis to me. We don't know who our big sis is until the end of the round (3 months). Today I came home to find a reveal gift from my big sis. Her reveal gift was actually a
Body Products
November 15, 2007
Denise over at The Indecisive Artist sent me a sample of her coffee soap and the FO she used and oh how yummy it smells. I had my hubby smell it as soon as I opened the bag and of course the first thing out of his mouth is "ooooooh, how come you don't make soap like that." I guess that means its time to try my hand at some coffee soap. LOL Thank you so much Denise for sharing your soap with me and for sending the FO sample. I think it will work great!!
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I'm proud to announce that I'm officially a mud puddle girl. My friend Carrie~GiGi over at MUD PUDDLE GIRL BLOG presented me with this cute award!! Thank you Carrie!
Carrie is the owner of UNDER THE WILLOW GIFTS. She creates the most adorable billows (a pillow, with a little booklet plus handmade soap). Her soaps are absolutely wonderful. I know this for a fact because I was lucky to receive one. She also has her MUD PUDDLE GIRL line where she sells MUD PUDDLE GIRL shirts and lipbalm. I love the shirts so much I'm ordering some for my girls (photo to be shared after Christmas). She has several other gifts offered on her site as well so make sure you pop on over there to take a look!!
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November 1, 2007

I'm proud to announce that I'm officially a mud puddle girl. My friend Carrie~GiGi over at MUD PUDDLE GIRL BLOG presented me with this cute award!! Thank you Carrie!
Carrie is the owner of UNDER THE WILLOW GIFTS. She creates the most adorable billows (a pillow, with a little booklet plus handmade soap). Her soaps are absolutely wonderful. I know this for a fact because I was lucky to receive one. She also has her MUD PUDDLE GIRL line where she sells MUD PUDDLE GIRL shirts and lipbalm. I love the shirts so much I'm ordering some for my girls (photo to be shared after Christmas). She has several other gifts offered on her site as well so make sure you pop on over there to take a look!!
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