Recently my 16 yr old daughter came home from a friends house asking if I knew people could drink essential oils. The first thing I said was "let me guess, one of your friends parents sell Young Living Essential Oils" and she asks "how did you know?"
Example - Listerine: menthol, thymol, methyl salicylate, and eucalyptus are all essential oils used in Listerine mouthwash. Ethanol is used as a dissolving agent. The percentage of ethanol used is between 21-27%, which is required to dissolve the essential oils and ethanol is also considered non-drinkable which is another reason Listerine is not to be swallowed.
You see a DISSOLVING AGENT is being used for the essential oils in the Listerine and there is a warming on the bottle that says DO NOT SWALLOW.
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The first time I heard about Young Living was during my aromatherapy certification course when a student brought up Raindrop Therapy. She was immediately shut down by our instructor but when she refused to stop talking about YL she was told she'd have to leave the classroom. The focus of the class quickly returned to the proper use of essential oils, not what MLM (Multilevel Marketing) companies often say to get you to use more of their product.
Following that experience I didn't come across the words Young Living again until I was at an herb festival and one of the instructors there was pushing YL essential oils, encouraging people to try Raindrop Therapy, passing essential oils around for guests to drink in a glass of water, and telling people that as long as an essential oil was labelled GRAS it could be consumed. One of the guests taking part in the drink fest was a pregnant woman. Following that experience I decided to do some research and discovered some not so savory things about Young Living reps and their founder that concerned me but I don't want this post to be about that, I want it to be about this…
I didn't appreciate the misinformation about essential oils being shared with my daughter but luckily she's been exposed to the use of essential oils since birth and heard me preach about how to properly use them enough that she knows better than to jump on the Young Living band wagon before verifying things with her mother. Other teens may not be so enlightened. In fact, according to my daughter, Young Living has become quite popular at her high school and several teens are using them in ways that they shouldn't. Next up we'll hear the FDA is going to start regulating essential oils and only people with a certain level of education will be able to dispense them. Something I've been concerned about for a while now so I'm going to take some of the things reps for essential oil companies love to say about drinking essential oils (including what was said at the Herb Festival) and give the facts.
They might tell you that when an essential oil is labelled GRAS it means generally recognized as safe for internal use. They might also say if someone tells you it is unsafe to drink essential oils they are referring to other brands, not their brand, because their brand has the purest and only therapeutic oils on the planet. One thing a proponent of internal use of essential oils will do to make you believe it is safe to drink essentials is point out foods or other products, like mouthwash, that contain them.
Fact: GRAS does mean generally recognized as safe but does NOT mean you can drink the essential oil. Click HERE to see how GRAS is defined by the FDA.
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Essential oils are used in the food industry as a flavoring agent, so for example, if you choose to bake with an essential oil you'd need to know which ones are generally recognized as safe (CLICK HERE) and you'd need to know their dilution rate (I won't go into that here - refer to FDA guidelines or pick up a book that specifically covers this). I personally don't use essential oils to flavor my foods, I prefer the benefits I receive from flavoring my foods with herbs, spices or extracts. Why spend the time researching how to use an essential oil according to the FDA safety guidelines when I can use a spice in its place? Besides, many essential oils are diluted with synthetics like BHT or petrochemicals (It was recently discovered that Cinnamon Bark by Young Living was diluted with synthetics), so why take the risk of ingesting something like that?
Essential oils are also used in items like mouthwash, toothpaste, etc...
Essential oils are also used in items like mouthwash, toothpaste, etc...
Example - Listerine: menthol, thymol, methyl salicylate, and eucalyptus are all essential oils used in Listerine mouthwash. Ethanol is used as a dissolving agent. The percentage of ethanol used is between 21-27%, which is required to dissolve the essential oils and ethanol is also considered non-drinkable which is another reason Listerine is not to be swallowed.
You see a DISSOLVING AGENT is being used for the essential oils in the Listerine and there is a warming on the bottle that says DO NOT SWALLOW.
Essential oils are not water soluble so they will not dissolve in water, tea, coffee or juice. The oils will just float on the surface. Example, using cinnamon bark essential oil as a flavoring agent in hot cocoa makes absolutely no sense because it doesn't mix. Don't believe me? Take a clear bottle of water and drop in 2-3 drops of an essential oil. Cover and then shake to see what happens. This is what you'll get.
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essential oil floating on surface of water |
If you drink a glass of water with lemon essential oil in it the oil could damage your mucus membranes; mouth, throat, stomach… Lemon essential oil is caustic and has been known to eat its way through rubber, do you really want that sitting in your stomach?
Just yesterday I read on a FB page a comment by someone who uses lemon essential oil in her water. Her post, and I quote "I don't care what the FDA says, I've been drinking lemon essential oil in my water for years and I like it. Nothing bad has ever happened."
Nothing bad has happened to her! READ THIS to get an idea of what bad has happened to some people who have taken essential oils internally. Now is that a risk you are willing to take just to have your water smell and taste like a lemon?
Just yesterday I read on a FB page a comment by someone who uses lemon essential oil in her water. Her post, and I quote "I don't care what the FDA says, I've been drinking lemon essential oil in my water for years and I like it. Nothing bad has ever happened."
Nothing bad has happened to her! READ THIS to get an idea of what bad has happened to some people who have taken essential oils internally. Now is that a risk you are willing to take just to have your water smell and taste like a lemon?
There are no nutrients in essential oils. If you want the smell, taste and benefits of a lemon, squeeze a bit of lemon juice into an 8 oz. glass of water. A fresh lemon is rich in vitamin C and contains many other vitamins and minerals. If you want the taste of cinnamon in your coffee, break up a cinnamon stick and boil it in a pot of water with your coffee, it won't only taste great but it is actually beneficial to your body and you won't have to worry about it possibly damaging your throat or harming your stomach.
Note: Young Living is not the only essential oil company that promotes drinking essential oils, others like DoTerra and Veriditas Botanicals do also. Plus many more.
Essential oil companies would love for you to drink their oils because then you'll use them up quicker and return to buy more. Telling people to drink essential oils is nothing more than a sales tactic. They'll tell you that people have been drinking essential oils for years and even the French prescribe internal use of essential oils to treat various health issues but what they aren't telling you is that the people in France and other parts of the world prescribing the internal use of essential oils are medical professionals and it's done only in the case of serious diseases and never for every day use. Those individuals obtain a full medical history from their patients including current medication or supplement intake, assess the necessity and monitor for issues and desired outcome. So if you still feel the need to take essential oils internally after you've read this I urge you to do so under the guidance of a clinical aromatherapist or other medical professional trained in the use of essential oils.
If you read my post and like the woman above you said to yourself I don't care, I like taking eos internally, and you refuse to consult with a professional then the safest way this can be done according to Robert Tisserand (world's leading expert on aromatherapy) is to use an empty gelatin capsule filled with a fatty oil and the essential oil of choice - Not ideal since it is preferred a person be under supervision while doing this but it is the safest option if going it alone. *Note - Tisserand DID NOT SAY to take the essential oils internally without guidance this way, he said IF you are going to refuse the guidance then the safest thing to do is to use the gelatin capsule with fatty oil.
People advising you to avoid the internal use of essential oils aren't trying to keep you from buying anyone's product, they are trying to keep you safe and healthy. It's the same reason I taught my kids how to read the label on a bottle of Ibuprofrin. I'm not against them using Ibuprofrin when it is needed but it must be used according to safety guidelines to prevent injury.
So the next time you reach for an essential oil bottle ask yourself, in whose best interest is it for you to take the eo internally.
If you read my post and like the woman above you said to yourself I don't care, I like taking eos internally, and you refuse to consult with a professional then the safest way this can be done according to Robert Tisserand (world's leading expert on aromatherapy) is to use an empty gelatin capsule filled with a fatty oil and the essential oil of choice - Not ideal since it is preferred a person be under supervision while doing this but it is the safest option if going it alone. *Note - Tisserand DID NOT SAY to take the essential oils internally without guidance this way, he said IF you are going to refuse the guidance then the safest thing to do is to use the gelatin capsule with fatty oil.
People advising you to avoid the internal use of essential oils aren't trying to keep you from buying anyone's product, they are trying to keep you safe and healthy. It's the same reason I taught my kids how to read the label on a bottle of Ibuprofrin. I'm not against them using Ibuprofrin when it is needed but it must be used according to safety guidelines to prevent injury.
So the next time you reach for an essential oil bottle ask yourself, in whose best interest is it for you to take the eo internally.