I realize I am lonnnnng overdue for a blog post but I have been trying to get into the swing of homeschooling and figuring out where everything else fits in. So far, things are going pretty well. I don't educate my daughter from 9-3 every day like I thought I would, I'm really lucky if I can get her to sit still and focus for 3 whole hours, generally our sit down work ends after about 2 hours. She's picking thingsup pretty quickly, I guess not having the distraction of 30 other kids helps. I do feel a bit disorganized at times... ok, all of the time. I read the book Home Learning Year by Year and it has made me feel a little paranoid, that maybe my six year old will never learn all she needs to by the end of the first grade, but I'll continue to do my best and only time will tell if I'm doing a good job. Thankfully we are ahead of the game since my daughter is also enrolled in Kumon and has been since pre-school.
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