October 20, 2024

Today, Maya and I ventured over to Whispering Oak Alpacas, where we spent a beautiful afternoon with the cutest farm animals. The peaceful environment, free from crowds, allowed us plenty of quality time with each animal. I particularly fell in love with the sweetest little dinky. He was so charming. Ya know how some folks have emotional support pets? Well, I"m pretty sure this place is my emotional support farm. 😂 A little alpaca, goat, donkey love is all it takes to brighten my day. 

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October 8, 2024

For years I was all about crafting 100% all-natural soaps, pouring my passion for herbs and essential oils into each batch, but as you might guess, diving into that world was like jumping into a sea of wave after wave of competitors at Farmers' markets and natural food stores; it felt like every corner I turned had someone else peddling the same exact type of soap. So I took a different path and focussed on playing around with fragrance oils and micas, which allowed me to get more creative with my soap designs. It turns out people really love a little pizzazz in their body products. So from then on I didn't really make a lot of natural soap unless someone placed a custom order or the moment called for it, like the Earth Day market I did in Northfield this past spring. 

From the batches I made for Earth Day I gifted my doctor a bar of natural lavender soap, and when she noticed my unique blend of oils and butters she really liked it. Next thing I know I'm sending soaps over to be sold at her clinic, and they are flying off the shelf. 

It fills me with so much joy to think I'm contributing to someone's well-being, even in a small way. After all, health and healing are super important to me, and seeing my creations be a part of that for someone else truly makes me happy.

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October 6, 2024

Yesterday at the Riverwalk Market was an absolute blast! The sun was shining brightly, and while the wind was trying a little too hard to steal our beautiful display, it added a fun twist to the day. It was awesome as always to chat with our wonderful customers about all things soap while soaking in the lively atmosphere. We're looking forward to diving right back into the excitement next week. We hope to see you there. 

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October 5, 2024

Nestled in the picturesque landscape in a rural part of Prior Lake, MN, is Whispering Oaks Alpacas where they offer a delightful escape into the world of hobby farming. This charming farm invites visitors to engage with a variety of friendly farm animals, from curious goats to soft, fluffy alpacas. One of the most unique experiences is taking an alpaca for a walk - a joyful activity that brings both laughter and a sense of connection to the animal. The alpacas, with their gentle demeanor, often have minds of their own, and I found it a bit hilarious to negotiate walking terms with my fleecy companion. Initially, he was set on stopping every few steps to munch on the grass; however, after a little persuasion, we struck a deal that kept both of us happy as we strolled along the trail, I'd stop every 10-15 feet to allow him to eat only if he kept the pace and not stop every foot to eat grass. 😂  That agreement worked out well and kept us moving along.

In addition to the interactive experiences on the farm, Whispering Oaks boasts a quaint little shop located inside the owner's home, filled with goodies crafted from alpaca fleece. From warm hats to soft mittens, each item reflects the quality and comfort of this unique fiber. Visiting the shop felt like unearthing hidden treasures, and I couldn't resist the charm of these handmade products so I bought my daughter a Christmas gift. As I wandered around I also spotted the enchanting little goats for sale, whose playful antics warmed my heart instantly. Mojo was my favorite. His adorable face and lively energy reminded me of how much I wished I'd been a hobby farmer. 

Growing up I had often fantasized about becoming a sheep farmer, inspired by episodes of Little House on the Prairie. The dream of harvesting wool and spinning it into clothing painted a vivid picture of a life intertwined with animals. Although that dream remains unfulfilled, my visit to Whispering Oaks Alpacas reignited that childhood passion. It serves as a reminder of the simple joys that farm animals provide. Whether you seek a peaceful retreat or a fun outing with a stubborn alpaca, Whispering Oaks Alpacas caters to both. It's a beautiful place to appreciate the connections we share with these wonderful creatures and to create cherished memories, even if it's just for a couple hours on a lovely Minnesota day. 

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October 3, 2024

While I was digging through a seed catalog last winter I unexpectedly stumbled upon seeds for growing cotton. The thought had never crossed my mind before, but the allure of cultivating such a unique crop ignited a spark of curiosity in me. After reading the growing requirements, I learned that cotton typically needs 60 degree or above temps to thrive and takes around 150 days to be ready for harvest. I timed my planting for late April, believing this would ensure a ready yield by the end of September. However, my calculations may have been a bit optimistic; as the weeks roll by, my cotton plants seemed to be stuck in limbo, not progressing as I anticipated. 

As fall approaches the temperature is set to dip into the 40s for the first time this season. Thankfully, the daytime warmth still hovers comfortably above 60 degrees which is perfect for the needs of my cotton plants. I've made it my routine to bring them indoors at night to shield them from the chill, then return them to their sunny spot outside during the day. With each passing day I hope that my efforts will yield some success, even if that means just a modest harvest this year. I realize that I might not gather enough cotton for spinning just yet, but I plan to save the seeds for another attempt next year.

If this experiment turns out to be a bust, it won't be the end of the world; I'm prepared to start again. Next I'll begin the process in February, allowing for an earlier start that could potentially lead to a more fruitful outcome. For now I await the magic of my cotton plants, hoping for tiny tufts of fiber to emerge. I remind myself that the journey is just as important as the destination, and regardless of the results, I'm excited to to grow, both as a gardener and as a curios soul.

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October 1, 2024


I don't know what it is about a fire and the smell of wood smoke while the insects buzz all around, but it makes me feel more connected to nature than any other time. There's a certain magic in the flames that seems to draw me in, tapping into the primitive parts of my brain that pulls my thoughts back to when fire was first tamed. I feel a sense of nostalgia for a time when life was simpler and survival was intricately linked to the cycles of nature. 

As I sit, mesmerized by the glowing embers, I find that gazing into a fire is an excellent way to practice mindfulness because it anchors me to the present moment, allowing my thoughts to slow and settle. It's a perfect way to relax at the end of a long, stressful day. Being surrounded by the comforting aura of flames,  the gentle humming of nearby insects, and an owl hooting in the distance. I feel an unparalleled sense of peace. Nature is a place of solace and is enduring and timeless as fire itself.

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September 26, 2024

Six years ago when my health journey began it was a time when I sunk to the lowest point of in my life because my body had betrayed me and I felt trapped in a prison of pain and uncertainty. I'd been to multiple doctors, each appointment filled with glimmers of hope that were swiftly destroyed by the harsh reality that none of them were able to explain why I lost my ability to digest food and why standing more than 10 minutes sent me spiraling into waves of excruciating abdominal pain (among other numerous debilitating symptoms). When I was coming to terms with the likelihood I may not survive or at minimum not be able to walk again I found hope in a surgeon who offered a possible solution through  kidney surgery, but with that hope came the terrifying realization that I'd once again have to go under anesthesia. Having been under anesthesia before for a prior abdominal surgery back in the 1990s held no comfort for me, only the stark memory of my sisters tragic fate in 1984, when due to the medical incompetence of a nurse anesthetist and anesthesiologist she wasn't given the required amount of oxygen during a minor surgical procedure, ultimately leaving her to languish in a vegetative state. Anytime I needed to be sedated following that time I'd become paralyzed with fear. 

My sister was like a surrogate mother, my most trusted friend, my protector. Losing her when I was just 13 was like losing a vital part of myself. I was thrust into a world of confusion and pain, and I lacked the necessary tools to process the enormity of that loss. Although I was sent to therapy to work through my grief I struggled to articulate my emotions and couldn't understand the impact that moment had on my entire being. As the years went on I loss the ability to feel safe. Every doctor visit became nothing more than a reminder of how vulnerable I was. Well meaning people would always tell me "don't worry, what happened to your sister is rare" but the concept of rarity became a complicated paradox. "it's rare" for a plan to crash, "it's rare" to be struck by lightening, or "it's rare" to encounter an aggressive shark. Yet these platitudes felt like a cruel irony - comforts offered to everyone but me. I had lived through something extraordinarily rare and devastating, and the scars it left behind were not easily forgotten. Over time I came to realize those words did nothing to abate my fears; instead they illuminated the fragility of my life and the weight of loss, a reminder that security is often an illusion and that trust in the very fabric of existence can be a heartbreaking gamble. 

I didn't know then that I was dealing with mast cell activation syndrome and that it could be triggered by something as common as stress. 

In the months leading up to surgery I was a mental and physical disaster, grappling with a condition that left me feeling like a stranger in my own body. I hadn't been out of the house for much other than to go see doctors. In search of solace I started laying down on the deck in my backyard. I'd rise in the morning before everyone else in the house and head out to watch and listen. I found refuge in the sounds of nature waking up with me. It was late spring and the birds were slowly returning, there was music in the air. Chirp, chirp, chirp 🎶 It was comforting. I'd do this every morning and afternoon and slowly I started to feel safe again. It was as if the birds were telling me "it's ok, you got this, as long as you have us you have everything." I soon told myself I didn't need to walk, I embraced the idea of using a wheelchair and being pushed around in nature anywhere a paved trail may be. As long as I could sustain myself on the physicians elemental diet formula I was drinking, I told myself I was ok with that too, as long as I had the love of my family I was happy, as long as I had the birds every day I'd be absolutely fine. It wasn't long before I started taking short walks in the park behind my house, first 10 minutes, then 15, then 20. Each day I'd listen intently to the calls of the birds I once overlooked, marveling at their resilience and beauty. I really enjoyed photographing them. Slowly I started learning their names and recognizing their calls. 

At that time I'd lived next to Alimagnet Park for 11 years and hardly explored its wonders but in my vulnerable state I was drawn into a strong desire to connect more with nature. This pursuit became a lifeline for my anxious mind. 

In the years following that time I've developed an enduring love for birds. They are stunning creatures that I could listen to for hours but they're also amusing to watch. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, birds are an essential part of natural ecosystems. They help control insect populations, pollinate flowers, disperse seeds, and some even control rodent populations.

For me spring and fall are the most thrilling times of the year in the avian world. Spring is particularly magical because the birds are returning to Minnesota from their wintering grounds, meaning it's a time of renewal. The silence of winter gives way to delightful chirps and songs; nature awakens once more. I eagerly venture outdoors to find and count the ducks I see, keeping an eye out for the return of the robin, and explore the wetlands in search of my favorite, the red-winged black bird. 

As autumn approaches, I find myself drawn to the places where migratory birds pause to rest and refuel on their journey southward. These fleeting gatherings are thrilling, as one day there may be hundreds, maybe even thousands to see, and the next day they may be gone entirely. The diversity of bird species gathering in the same space is astounding.  Swans, ducks, geese, pelicans... all together on the same lake. It's fascinating to witness their flight patterns and the unity within their migratory routes. 

Birds serve as a reminder, that despite life's hardships it is essential to keep moving forward and find joy in the present moment. 

Wild birds navigate a relentless struggle for survival, from the instant an egg is laid until their last breath. Predators lurk at every turn, targeting their eggs, chicks, and adult birds, while diseases such as avian botulism, avian flu, and West Nile virus threaten their well-being. The challenges they face are many; mite infestations in their nests, dehydration, and collisions with man-made structures can all claim their fragile lives. Yet despite these relentless obstacles they continue to sing, travel, and raise their young, teaching us that joy can be found amid adversity. Their tenacity enchants me and encourages a hopeful perspective on life's challenges. 

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