While I was digging through a seed catalog last winter I unexpectedly stumbled upon seeds for growing cotton. The thought had never crossed my mind before, but the allure of cultivating such a unique crop ignited a spark of curiosity in me. After reading the growing requirements, I learned that cotton typically needs 60 degree or above temps to thrive and takes around 150 days to be ready for harvest. I timed my planting for late April, believing this would ensure a ready yield by the end of September. However, my calculations may have been a bit optimistic; as the weeks roll by, my cotton plants seemed to be stuck in limbo, not progressing as I anticipated.
As fall approaches the temperature is set to dip into the 40s for the first time this season. Thankfully, the daytime warmth still hovers comfortably above 60 degrees which is perfect for the needs of my cotton plants. I've made it my routine to bring them indoors at night to shield them from the chill, then return them to their sunny spot outside during the day. With each passing day I hope that my efforts will yield some success, even if that means just a modest harvest this year. I realize that I might not gather enough cotton for spinning just yet, but I plan to save the seeds for another attempt next year.
If this experiment turns out to be a bust, it won't be the end of the world; I'm prepared to start again. Next I'll begin the process in February, allowing for an earlier start that could potentially lead to a more fruitful outcome. For now I await the magic of my cotton plants, hoping for tiny tufts of fiber to emerge. I remind myself that the journey is just as important as the destination, and regardless of the results, I'm excited to to grow, both as a gardener and as a curios soul.
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