April 23, 2012

Shimek (member of Ojibwe tribe) wants the five year moratorium on hunting back. He says in the American Indian creation story, the wolf is a brother so wolves and humans are spiritually bound. He said, It's our feeling that if we do everything we can to take care of the wolves, and the wolf does well, we will do well. He said through history when the wolf has not done well, neither have American Indians.

Teresa Robeson said...

D'oh! That's not showing up for me. Just as well...I can't watch videos at home right now anyway, not with WildBlue keeping close tabs on our bandwidth usage. I'll catch it when I'm in town somewhere with free wi-fi.

Michelle said...

The video is just notifying the public that our legislature wants to pass a wolf hunting and trapping bill that will wipe out our wolf population. The "experts" estimate that we have 3000 wolves here in MN, the largest number in the lower 48 states, but and this is a big BUT, it is just an ESTIMATE! There are other "experts" claiming the number is over inflated. When the wolves were removed from the endangered list the DNR in Minnesota PROMISED they would put a five year hunting and trapping moratorium in place to allow researchers to track and count the grey wolf to make sure their numbers remained stable. Now the state is so overeager to make a buck and they are crumbling to public pressure to hunt and trap that they are going back on their promise. Not a shock since government always fails to keep promises.

Teresa Robeson said...

It completely infuriates me when this sort of thing happens. Predatory animals have as much a right to eat and live as humans do. And those poor things have been closed to being wiped out once before. Meanwhile things like deer and rabbits have totally run amok and are damaging the ecosystem due to the lack of predation by the animals that belong there on the food chain, such as wolves. :(

Michelle said...

Hunters hate the competition. I was reading responses to a article on the proposed wolf hunt here in Minnesota and all of the hunters commenting were complaining that the wolves limit the number of deer they can hunt. They feel like the wolf is wiping out the elk and moose population which research shows is completely untrue. Our moose population has risen since the wolf returned.

SoapSudsations said...

Ship your hunters to our province to hunt the deer. Better yet, ship the wolves here to hunt our deer. People are all for protecting, what does Teresa call them, rats with hooves, when they're just a nuisance and would be a great source of protein for food banks.

Michelle said...

Yes, the deer are all running amok while the wolves stay relatively hidden but no one sees an issue with the deer and instead cry because the wolves want them for breakfast. Mind boggling.

SoapSudsations said...

You'll have to teach the deer to eat people's pets, that'll make them more inclined to deer culling.

Minnie said...

Seems to me that your politicians are wiping out the wrong mammals. The wolves are so beautiful. I hope you can manage to help save them. Politicans can be such pillocks. They lose sight of what matters really. Too much tv snass and excrement. xx