August 22, 2023

When I first got sick in 2018, the world around me felt heavy and daunting. Each day was marked by physical limitations, and the simplest tasks became monumental challenges. It was during this time that I rediscovered the simple joy of watching birds. Having always appreciated their beauty and grace, I never imagined the depth of solace they could provide. As I sat on my deck, unable to walk, I turned my attention to the vibrant life fluttering in my yard. The cheerful chirping sparrows, the elegant swoops of the robins and the delightful songs of the thrusts created a soundtrack that eased my mind. In those moments as I watched them playfully flit about, I found a sense of contentment and calm that was desperately needed. 

Recently, as I venture back into the world, I find myself reflecting on those early days. I can hardly believe how far I've come, yet the connection I have forged with my wild bird neighbors remains strong. Each photograph I take is a testament to my journey - both the struggles and the healing. These images are filled with the laughter of birds flitting about, a stark contrast to the silence I felt when I was at my lowest. 

As I share these snapshots of my avian friends, I hope to convey not only my love for them but also the pivotal role they played in my recovery. They serve as a reminder that beauty persists, even in the toughest of times.