February 17, 2024


Despite my chronic health issues, I am overflowing with gratitude for the many blessings in my life. First and foremost, I cherish the happiness and health of my children. Watching them thrive and enjoy life brings me a profound sense of joy and purpose. Alongside this, I am incredibly thankful for my wonderful husband, whose unwavering support has been a constant source of strength through my struggles. His kindness and encouragement uplift me daily, reminding me that I am never alone in this journey.

Another reason for my gratitude is our beloved grand-dog, who defied the odds and continues to be a vibrant part of our family following a scare last December. His wagging tail and enthusiasm for our daily walks bring an extra layer of jour to our lives, a reminder of the simple pleasures that can ignite happiness even on tougher days. Additionally, I am thankful for our beautiful home, nestled in a location where nature thrives around us. Every day, we have the privilege of witnessing wildlife in our backyard, which adds an enchanting element to our routine. 

For many years, I turned to journaling during my moments of sadness, pouring my thoughts onto the page whenever life felt overwhelming. Recently, I've made a conscious shift towards embracing a daily gratitude journal. This practice has transformed my perspective, prompting me to pause and reflect on the positives in my life. By intentionally focusing on what's going well, I've noticed a remarkable improvement in my mood. Through this gratitude journey, I am continuously discovering just how rich my life truly is, revealing layers of appreciation that often go unnoticed amidst my health challenges.