Ok, on with the Shea.
Joanna over at the THE SOAP BAR, owner of PRODUCT BODY sent me a sample of her whipped shea. This is the stuff I had to beat my kids off of, remember that?? Well, I've been a long time fan of shea ever since I first experienced it years ago in a Bath & Body lotion. It was the only thing that helped me get rid of the dry skin on my feet. I've been buying shea ever since and using it in various concoctions at home but had never heard of or seen a "whipped" shea product. I wanted to give it a try so I googled a few recipes online, watched a couple You Tube videos, figured I knew enough and finally decided to give it a go.
I had a pound of shea in the fridge so I dumped it into the double boiler and melted it down. I put that into a bowl and my daughter Maya added the jojoba oil (we over did it but who cares, it is just an experiment. LOL!) I blended it 2 minutes then stuck into freezer for 4 minutes and on and on and on we went. Blend + freeze + Blend + freeze, until we had a whipped cream consistency. I was excited until about 3 hours later it turned into a chunk of butter type consistency - ME NO LIKE IT!! ME ACTUALLY HATE IT!!
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CREAMY PUDDING LIKE CONSISTENCY??? Besides that, it stinks! For all of you bloggers that I posted on your "favorite scent" polls that I loved Peppermint... forget that I said that. I hate peppermint. I don't know what happened to my sniffer (No Donna, I'm not pregnant) but I cannot stand the smell of peppermint EO anymore. Now I'm stuck with a chunky whipped shea that stinks like peppermint. LOL!! Well, no worries, my hard to please darling daughter Middy absolutely loves it. It made her want to shower (that is a miracle in itself) and rub it all over her body afterwards (see, everything happens for a reason). Now she's clean as a whistle and stinks like peppermint.
The moral of this story. I'm not sure, but I know one thing:
I am no JOANNA. If you want some seriously fantastic whipped shea then you gotta try her SHEA BUTTER (double whipped). And guess what, it isn't peppermint ;)
Joanna is the master! I like making things myself, but my body products are always a big flop. I'm addicted to product body = )
I don't know Michelle, I might be in the saddle with Middy! I LOVE peppermint and I think your shea looks yummers! That being said, I am also a Product junkie. I don't know which I love more... the Product or Joanna's great sense of humor!
Sorry you had a bad experience with making whipped shea body butter. I know for me the whipped consistency comes from beating the heck out of the shea butter. I tend to leave my shea at room temperature and heat up a few oils (sweet apriocot and/or coconut oil) and pour the heated oil over the room temperature shea. That's when I beat that thing for anywhere from 30 to 45 until I get the consistency I want.
I definitely feel you on the peppermint eo. When I use it, it opens up my pores that I want to reach for a blanket.
Keep trying the whipped shea butter experiment.
Thank you so my dcyrill for the advice on whipping the shea! You've inspired me to keep working on it, I'll definitely give it a go again :)
Thank you for the comments ladies... I agree, Joanna is a fun lady and love reading her humor in her blog.
Hi Michelle!!! I tried my hand at the whipped shea and haven't gone back to it yet. However, I totally get what you mean by the butter consistency. It happened to me too :(
I still think your shea looks great! Very creamy!
Oh, Michelle, you are too cute. I just found this post and it made me smile. A nice perma smile. Thank you for your sweet words.
Hey, it is always a good thing when the children bathe, even if they do end up smelling like a candy cane!
Me? Funny? Aw shucks, you guys, thanks for the compliments. I don't think of myself that way. Let me go look in the mirror for a giggle.
I see there are master of shea all around...
I have whipped shea several times. Whipped with oils, refrig, then whip again. And I keep it in the refrig in between uses....
secret: I don't use oils and I don't use the fridge.....
Thank you Joanna for the tip ((hugs))
Mine is butter-like instead of creamy in consistency also. But I like it that way. I keep it in a tin and use it as a cuticle cream. As for scent, I just add a touch of vanilla eo(seriously hardly any at all). I don't think I would want it all over though. I would smell like frosting!
come back!!
Aw, thanks Joanna (((hugs)))!
I miss blogging and miss soaping. Just yesterday I had someone ask me to teach them make soap so she and I have that planned when I get back from Florida and I'll certainly be ready to blog about that :)
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