August 28, 2009

Yup, this is me.

Not too long ago Amber over at AMBERS AMBRY blogged about an apron she made, stamping it with rhubarb and strawberries. Well, of course I had to have it.

View that blog post HERE

I wanted this apron because I have fond memories of rhubarb and strawberries. Seems silly but it is true. My great aunt, who has passed, use to make many things out of the strawberries and rhubard she grew in her garden. The recipe that was my favorite was rhubarb/strawberry crisp. Then later when I was married with children I moved next door to a woman that would make us rhubarb and strawberry crisp for Christmas. Tasted just like aunties.

BTW/if anyone has a rhubarb/strawberry crisp recipe they are willing to share with me, I'd really appreciate it.
Anonymous said...

That's a totally fabulous apron!! Amber is Queen of the Domestic Goddesses. ;D

Michelle said...

Yes, definitely a fabulous apron. I love it. Fits perfectly. Now the kids keep begging for one. Middy says she wants one with acorns on it. LOL! I don't know if Amber does custom orders????

small business internet marketing said...

that is one fabulous and very gorgeous apron...
simple, cute, unique and cool...

Carrie Garvin said...

What a darling apron- and such sweet wonderful memories too.

Amber created a fabulous apron. Great picture!

Amber said...

I am mortified that I never saw this post! I am so sorry!!! Whenever my blog list acts up, I miss dozens of posts and I feel so bad. Sorry!

I'm so glad you like your apron. I don't have a specific strawberry rhubarb crisp recipe, but I'll see if my Memmy does. I'll email it to you if I can find one. :)

Michelle said...

Thanks Amber!

Don't worry, I always manage to miss peoples posts. I feel so lost all the time. I've plugged them into the side bar thinking I'll stay on top of everything but I still manage to miss something.