June 3, 2024

Sixteen years ago my family and I made the decision to move into our current home in Apple Valley. At the time I didn't fully grasp the significance of that choice or how perfectly it aligned with my desires and needs. For years I had dreamt of living in northern Minnesota, longing for the tranquility and beauty of the landscapes I had envisioned. However, fate had other plans, and despite various opportunities, each one seemed to slip away. It wasn't until we purchased a cabin in Ely in 2016, followed by a rough patch with my health in 2018, that I came to appreciate the hidden gem that was my Apple Valley home. The combination of recent struggles and the vibrant surroundings opened my eyes to the reality that this place - not Ely or any other northern haven - was truly my sanctuary.

Living in Apple Valley has allowed me to immerse myself in the breathtaking beauty of nature right at my doorstep. I feel as if I've stumbled upon a nature lover's paradise that I never knew existed. With each passing day, I find myself enchanted by the array of native plants and the abundant wildlife that graces our backyard. From capturing photographs of majestic hawks in flight to watching the lively antics of squirrels and rabbits (excluding that time the squirrel took up residence in my car)🤣, I've fostered a deep connection with the world surrounding my home. The deer, with their gentle presence, visit regularly to forage from our garden, and each summer, the does feel comfortable enough to leave their fawns in our yard, showcasing a delightful trust in our haven. I've also been thrilled to discover a remarkable array of native plants on my own property, more than I ever encountered in the wild. My entire backyard seamlessly blends into Alimagnet Park, a vast natural expanse that further enhances the beauty and significance of our location.

On days when my health feels overwhelming, the solace I find in nature is invaluable, During my illness, simply sitting outside watching the endless dance of wildlife or taking short walks through Alimagnet Park revitalizes my spirit. The presence of deer, birds, and other critters has become a source of strength as I continue to navigate my health challenges. I soon realized that I didn't need to escape to Ely or further north to connect with nature; the vibrant tapestry of life was thriving right here in my suburban backyard. Apple Valley, despite its population density, offers an extraordinary connection to the natural world.

Today Maya and I took a leisurely stroll through Alimagnet Park, eager to see what wild plants had begun to blossom this season. As we walked, I marveled at how much could be learned just by paying attention to the small details. Often, the hustle and bustle of life leads us to miss the wonders right in front of us, as we mindlessly wander through forests or parks, absorbed in our thoughts. I encourage everyone on their next walk to take the time to catalog the various plants encountered along the way. Discover which ones are native, learn about their properties, and unearth their potential uses, whether edible or medicinal. There is an entire world of fascinating information just waiting to be explored and appreciated in our immediate surroundings. 

Northern Bedstraw (Galium boreale). A native Minnesota plant. Wild medicinal.

White rattlesnake-root (Prenanthes alba). A native Minnesota plant. Wild medicinal.

Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). A native Minnesota plant. Wild medicinal.

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). A native Minnesota plant. Wild medicinal.

Allegheny blackberry (Rufus allegheniensis). A native Minnesota plant. Wild medicinal.

Some type of fungi. I don't know fungi well.

Early Meadow Rue (Thalictrum dioicum). A native Minnesota plant. Wild medicinal.

Riverbank Grape (Vitis riparia). A native Minnesota plant. Wild medicinal.

Wild Lettuce (Lactic canadensis). A native Minnesota Plant. Wild medicinal.

Some type of Fungi.

Canada Mayflower  (Maianthemum canadense). A native Minnesota plant. Wild medicinal.

False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum racemosum). A native Minnesota plant. Wild Medicinal.