November 13, 2010

And it is beautiful!

Carrie Garvin said...


Tierra Verde Handmade Soap said...

Wow! Incredibly gorgeous. I hope we have at least one good snowfall this winter.They seem to be getting few and far between though.

madpiano said...

wow, where do you live???? It's cold here (8C / 45F), but thankfully no snow yet. It looks beautiful, but I am sure by March you'll be glad when it's gone ;-)

Michelle said...

The first fall is always so gorgeous, isn't it!? I'm really grateful to live in a place with 4 seasons.

(I'm in Minnesota). It is about 33 degrees today so the snow isn't sticking. It is very heavy and wet (we lost power for a few hours because of it).

True... I do tend to get over my love of snow and cold once Feb, March comes around. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm not ready for winter yet! We've been having a warm spell...warm and dry.

Amy Warden said...

Wow! One of our friends was in MN for a show this week, and she was sharing pics on FB. She did mention that the first day of the show (right before it snowed) was her absolute best day ever!